Saturday 18 June 2016

2016-06-17 Kites, Windsurfing and Swimming!

Friday, June 17, 2016 - Different adventures

Big Air Jim, Cam, Blaine and Brad all showed up late last night.  In the morning, we all met at Dog River Coffee.  The forecast wasn't very good, but wind looked possible in the afternoon.  Temira's forecast was for a short blast of wind in the afternoon (maybe an hour), as the front moved through.

After a few cups of coffee/tea, we headed back over to Bette's Place for breakfast.

We commented that we all felt like we were at home!

All our vehicles parked at Sailworks.

With no chance of windsurfing until the afternoon, a mini shopping frenzy began.  We all wandered downtown to visit the shops.  Again it was like a homecoming, meeting friends like Bart,  Steve, Mark and Dave.  From there we all met at Sailworks.  Several new sails left that shop.  (Don't worry Louise - I only bought a hoodie from Sailworks - and only because I forgot to bring a coat with me....)


I am not sure how much was spent, but it seemed to satisfy the initial urges......

In the afternoon, some of us went to the Event Site, and some to Swell City.  Jim, Cam, Andreas and I were at the Event Site, while the others were at Swell.  The wind started to come up, so Cam and Andreas went out on their 8m kites.  Big Air Jim rigged his 5.6m Sail and Pumpkin board. Andreas tried to convince me to go out on my 13.5m kite, but I wasn't sure if the wind was building or dropping, so I declined and left for Swell.

Jim rigging his 5.6 at the Event Site.

When I got to Swell, all the guy's were out on 5.6m sails and big boards, but the wind was dying. They had been sailing for about 45 minutes, well powered and having fun.  Blaine's GPS said he traveled just under 20 miles.   Not bad.

I took a few photos and then had a beer with the guys as they were de-rigging.



Nice Jibe Brad

Gerry - slogging, but trying to get to 20 miles on his GPS

I headed back across the bridge to the Hatchery to find that the wind had died totally.  There were several kites floating mid-river with the riders swimming.  Fortunately, Cam and Andreas had made it back - but no one knew where Jim had gone.  Cam said he was "Kind of Freakin' out".  Andreas suggested that I head to the hook, while he would go to the Marina to search.  I gave my binoculars to Cam (who was going to stay put) and then left.  I was about half way to the hook when I got a phone call from Andreas saying that someone had driven into the parking lot and dropped Jim off.

The event site - NO WIND AT ALL...

Jim, believing that the wind would continue to build,  sailed upwind almost to the Hatchery before the wind died.  He was left floating in the river.  Fortunately, he was close to shore, but unfortunately, he was near the far side.  He looked to shore and there was a guy there waving him in.  The fellow (named Mike), had seen Jim floundering, probably recognizing his advancing age, so had stopped to assist.  Jim swam to shore and climbed over the rocks up to the highway, where Mike gave him a ride back across the bridge to the Events site.  Very lucky.

Jim arrived back in a Truck - No worse for his adventure, but full of stories as usual!

Cam getting undressed in his Kiddy Pool.

Cam says he is going to buy a "GPS Elderly Tracking" System for Jim.  Maybe it would be a good idea for all of us.....

Most of us had supper at China Gorge, while Cam, Jim and Andreas went to pFreim's.  Early to bed.  Looking forward to tomorrow.

Cam making fun of Jim!  Photo Bombing.

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